Sunday, May 13, 2012

Deez Mother's Day

It is Mother's Day 2012! Today is the tenth Mother's Day that I have celebrated as a mother. I figured "Hey I can do at least one thing I want to do today!" So I decided to start this blog.

I told my nine year old daughter, Madison, this morning that for Mother's Day I wanted an extra hour of sleep...that did not happen. Ha ha ha! She and I had a slumber party together in the living room last night. We watched a movie (Nim's Island) and ate unhealthy snacks (Reese's peanut butter cups and Symphony bars) and eventually fell asleep. I fought with her to go to sleep for about a half an hour, and then I looked over and she was crashed out with half her body hanging off of the love seat! By that time I couldn't fall asleep.

I also had to fight with her this morning over this computer. If she had won the fight she would be playing games on here, and I would not be posting on this blog!

Happy Mother's Day to all of you Mothers out there!